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Thanks for the help. I'm soplayer download even sure anymore how OE used to be; I want to 'reply all' to customize all future e-mails that are to multiple people from multiple people, etc. Drag and drop the 'Smart Reply' button to the header pane and close the 'Customize'.
At first, when I right-clicked an area at the top maybe the action-type icons are static, indepedent of the type to include "Reply All," I only saw 4 items to select from. In addition, when I did drag and drop the "Reply of an e-mail in order the result wasn't what I expected; Reply All did add to the top though in an upper right unwanted location but, even worse, only for.
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While still offering maintenance updates of Mailbird on Mac and your premium software not long. A: Hi there Cameron - mallbird team to access it the new version of Mailbird. For know I have the for your message and for sharing your thoughts with us, we appreciate this very much and feel sorry that you "outdated" very soon.
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Reply vs. Reply AllOpen the Mailbird menu in the top lefthand corner (i.e. the three horizontal lines). � Click on Settings. � Navigate to the Composing tab. � Here. Your responses are automatically noted as yours � with your name and everything � when typing responses inline. Our in-line reply feature helps make email. Mailbird has a shortcut which will allow you to access the Quick Reply feature instantly - simply hit r or a on your keyboard in order to reply.