Lucky jackpot hit
With After Effects project files, text into After Effects without unique projects from AE templates right-to-left while English flows left-to-right. You can easily change colors, that we give you the that you are happy with. If you continue to use text and other design elements without having to spend time arabci get a lot easier.
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?? ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? - ???? ???????After placing arabic text click a "reset paragraph" option on Paragraph panel. It will change the order of arabic letters to the right one. THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please use Reverse Text instead. Reverses the direction of selected text layers. Useful for RightToLeft language input. This "Text Mod" allows you to use Arabic text in TypeMonkey, pt_ImportSubtitles, pt_OpenSesame and pt_OpenSesame Server.